Develop and polish game for years. A couple bugs crop up post-release, and they become legendary to fans, increasing the value of the original product. Fans play these games over and over. They become legendary, rooted in popular culture and memory.
Pre-order to get a cheap trinket, even if the game is mediorce! See everything about a game before it even releases! Release it early in order to meet a deadline! Yearly franchise installments! Patch it! No glitches allowed! Play the game once, get "100%" plus all the "achievements". Tweet and Face about it, then forget about it and never play it again, and immediately buy the next 60$ game to impress your friends! Also, buy our DLC since we never actually finished the game, so now you're paying 60+ dollars for a game! Also, include a tutorial for everything - the player is an imbecile, and the artistic vision behind the game is compromisable, and so derivative, faded, and dead! Movies are popular, right? Add a bunch of cutscenes! Oh, focus testing showed that players get frustrated when they can't get past this part the first time? Just turn it into a QTE, press A to win! Players don't need to build skills and familiarity!
- On 100% Complete
- Who Needs Interactivity?
- ‘You Can Sleep Here All Night’: Video Games and Labor
- Marketing, Dumb Luck, and the Popping of the Indie Bubble.
- 30 Years Later, One Man Is Still Trying To Fix Video Games
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"To express oneself honestly... now that, my friend, is a very hard thing to do."