Saturday, February 25, 2012


[12:22pm] (person): Waiter just came by and was totally impressed with my setup here
[12:22pm] (person): iPad 2 and keyboard dock. He says he'll have to go get one, now
[12:22pm] pocketroid: aka a laptop
[12:23pm] (otherperson): lol, (person)... that happens to me all the time when I'm out with my iPad 2 and keyboard
From a fantasy community IRC channel.

In 2012, there are two major screens in all homes: the computer monitor, and the television set.

Once upon a time, a large source of entertainment was the radio. A group of persons, or a single people, would sit around a radio and enjoy the programmes. Then TVs came out and served the same function, but they still kept their radio around. Stored media formats came out since radio - records, music cassettes, VHS, etc, and there were indvidual devices to play those, all of which now connected to the TV. Then computers came out and served all of these functions at once, and it all fits on a single desk, in one machine. On this machine, the computer, one may even listen to that very first thing: the radio.

Computers can do all things TVs used to do. TVs require an obtuse amount of wires and add-ons. That's why they still have 'entertainment centers' - furniture designed specifically to organize the mess of Blu-ray/DVD/VHS players, CD/cassette/radio players, cable/satellite box, and any number of video game consoles. But glance over at your computer, and it serves all of those functions in the space of about 3 breadboxes or less. At some point in the future, TVs will simply be a another monitor connected to your computer. 

Television is still popular because the population at large is used to the media consumption model which was modeled around the television - buy DVDs to watch movies/shows, pay for cable/satellite to watch varied pre-recorded programming, buy set-spec computerlike consoles to play video games. But again, all of this is now on the internet. The old radio-like television model is doomed to die, and will give way to the new era of the internet.

But it's still okay to connect a television-like monitor to your computer and have the TV function as usual. So rest assured, you can still sit on your couch and enjoy whichever moving pictures you desire while eating your processed corn products and drinking your high fructose corn syrup.

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"To express oneself honestly... now that, my friend, is a very hard thing to do."