Through my internet vagabondage, I often see people discussing game reviews for big titles. As for myself, I've never seen reviews as a personal attack on a franchise I enjoy, as everyone seems to think they are. If I happen to find myself choosing to read a review(s) (not too often), I'm doing it so I may learn what the game is like, and whether or not it's worth it for me. I extract the necessary information from the review in order to form an idea of what the game will be like. Any opinion stated in the article I will consider, but take with a grain of salt, and certainly won't take it personally. People who bicker about game reviews are missing the point of the whole thing, especially when, in a lonely bout of social desperation, they hastily blurt out "Did you hear? GaemSiteX gave PopularFranchiseX a 7.5! How dare they!". At that point they're just advertising GameSiteX for free, for GameSiteX, and thusly GameSiteX gets tons of traffic, and therefore money. The whole review numbering/rating system is also a sham - numbers don't really matter when there are so many aspects of a single game. If you want to know what a game is like, you're not going to buy a game just because it's a "10" - you'll read several reviews, research, and watch videos. Reviews themselves have now become a source of hollow entertainment rather than enlightenment.
But on the sunny side the gaming globe,
But on the sunny side the gaming globe,
Recently I heard about this Steam game called Really Big Sky. I don't normally pay attention to Steam or PC games, but this one is exceptionally pretty, and the music is lovely - you can download the soundtrack for free here. At first it reminded me simultaneously of BIT.TRIP because of the 'retro' font, and Rez - both because of the dark background and great music. I have yet to play Child of Eden.
Some VG, Science, and Politricks links after the break.