Powers greater than ourselves are controlling our lives, in the most real, part of your life, right now, serious way.
DNA is being patented, packaged and sold. The food we eat is heavily modified at a genetic level and controlled. The weather above your head is being controlled. The thoughts in your head are being charted, listed, and learned from in real time thanks to sites like Facebook and Twitter. Thusly the media is fully controlled according to your trends - not to mention your locations, doings, and communications are being monitored and charted any time you use a computer, cell phone, or credit card. And plenty more. People are even servants to dangerous legal vices like alcohol, drugs, and sex.
Every aspect of our lives are being monitored and orchestrated. All world citizens today - of any country or profession - are only cogs in a corporate, capitalist, materialistic, oligarchical system. Drones which will die as a statistic to be laughed at and learned from by far-future humans who have evolved beyond our current dark age. We are living in "Nineteen Eighty-Four". What is the lone cog to do at present?
I live in hope of a beautiful white future I will never see. A future where humans have transcended petty social issues. A future where humans control all of space and time like legos. Where near-immortality is a thrilling prospect. A future where racism and religion are as ancient as the first apes having territorial disputes. The advancement of science, interuniverse relations, and all kinds of art are the hot topics of social subject trends. For me, it embarassing to be part of this current world. Where boobs, tweets, beers, pop music and media remakes are dominant social forces, and the masses could care less science, space, art, or government.
Food, Inc.
What in the World Are They Spraying?
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"To express oneself honestly... now that, my friend, is a very hard thing to do."